Archives: FAQs

How long will it take to build my instruments “My Way”?

Our SuperStock instruments are available in two categories – Ready To Ship (RTS) and Ready To Build (RTB).  Our RTS sets are preassembled and ready for final programming and testing.  They typically ship within two working days of order confirmation.  RTB sets are ready to paint and assemble as soon as your design is finalized.  These sets are usually shipped within one week of order confirmation.

For RestoFit and Full Custom Build gauges, we will work with you while quoting a cost to determine an estimated lead time.  This lead time will be determined by where you are now and where you want to end up.

What happens if I can’t make them work correctly?

We test every instrument function in every set before we ship it to ensure proper operation.  We strongly advise you check the instruments prior to final installation to ensure nothing has been damaged in shipping as it is much easier to trouble shoot them at that time.

If your “pre-check” finds no problems and you have an issue after installation you will need to determine what happened during installation to cause the problem. We will provide as much support as possible to help you track down the source of a problem but in the worst case scenario you may have to return the instruments to us so we can determine what happened and repair them.

My new water temp gauge seems to show temperature changes more than my old one. Why?

The needle moves in reaction to the signals it gets via the PCB from the water temperature sender.  It is most likely just more sensitive than your old one and it shows as needle movement.  If you believe your water temp is constant and the needle is moving it is most likely a wiring connection interfering with the signal from the sender or from the PCB.