Simply Black Banjo Steering Wheel

New Banjo Wheel Has Old Skool Zone Inspiration

This classic “nine string” beauty pays homage to some of the classiest steering wheels of the 30’s and 40’s.

Old Skool Banjo Steering Wheel

Simply Black Banjo Steering Wheel• Customized Banjo Steering Wheel• Simply Black front grip• Simply Black rear grip• CON2R horn button

With 3 spokes set in a wide “Y” pattern, this wheel is an accurate reflection of the original banjo wheels.  Up-to-date features include the chrome plated steel frame and 15” diameter ABS rims with finger-grooved grips that are available in any combination of CON2R’s 15 standard colors. With an appropriate adapter, the 3-Bolt mounting pattern allows nearly universal mounting of the wheel.