Lifelong Oldsmobile Enthusiast John Trial Builds the Car of His Dreams

John Trial’s passion for Oldsmobile traces back to earliest childhood. “My father was an Olds man,” he explains. “His first new car was a 1961 Dynamic 88. I was hooked on Oldsmobiles early on, and there was no turning back.” Though Trial had owned several Olds 88s and 98s over the years, he never had what he really wanted: a 442. One day a friend who knew close to nothing about cars called to tell him about a really clean blue car for sale in the neighborhood that he would love. Trial wasn’t looking for another car and didn’t put much faith in his pal’s judgment, so he disregarded the advice. Two weeks later he was running errands with his wife when they drove past a super-clean blue Cutlass convertible. Both were impressed, and Trial realized this was probably the same car his friend told him about. It was, and it belonged to him the next day.

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