38 Special Plymouth Coupe Emblems

38 Special

Chopped, dropped, sectioned, wedged and pinched , the ’38 Plymouth coupe on which this emblem rides is truly special. This Thirty Eight Special emblem set was created from scratch with the deco styling of 30’s era Plymouths as the root inspiration. It measures roughly 5.5” long.

'57 LS7 Emblem

57 LS7

This emblem set was based off the original Corvette 396 Turbo Jet logo. The customer sketched out the concept and we took it from there.

This emblem is cast brass with 24K Gold plating and a custom paint fill to match the original.

545 Thunderbird

545 Thunderbird

This customer wanted something that was never offered from the factory. The original Thunderbird emblem was sent to us for reference and we redesigned it according to the customers sketches.

This emblem is machined bronze with chrome plating and a custom paint fill.

CleanAir '55

Clean Air 55

For the 2011 Goodguys give away car, we sponsored the vehicle with the production of their “Clean Air 55” fender emblems.  Based off of the original Bel Air emblem we designed the new emblems to have that old style factory appeal.

Imperial Speedster Emblems

Imperial Speedster

Created for the undeniably radical Imperial Speedster project headed by Murray Pfaff, CON2R produced the custom crown and SPEEDSTER emblems to accompany and compliment the original factory “Imperial” cowl emblem.

Oklahoma State University Emblems

Oklahoma State University

We worked with D&D Customs to create this one-of-kind emblem set for a hot rod that is used during half time shows at Oklahoma State University & Salislaw High School football games. The customer submitted a rough concept and website links to the existing school logos, then left it up to our designers to create a custom hybrid logo for their ride.

The end result is a cast brass emblem with high polish chrome and custom paint to match the vehicle.

PH100 Custom Emblems


The PH100 (pronounced fun-dred) is styled after original middle 60’s era Ford markings and has been tweaked to fit a mildly radical ’64 Ford F100 pickup. Color filled and produced in two sizes, this emblem appears on the cowl at 6.5” wide and on the valve covers and dash at 4.5” wide.

Zomad Nomad


A slight tweak to an old classic. The original '57 Nomad emblem was shipped to us to reference the design. We remodeled it to match the original down to every last detail, even the original mounting pins.

This 2 emblem set is cast brass with 24K gold plating.